you is in Disconnection Of [relation/link] Work (DOW) today....!”

Senin, 15 Desember 2008

“Good morning, you is in Disconnection Of [relation/link] Work (DOW) today....!”

Around 23.30 last night, I find the old article which I have ever read, article Dadang Kadarusman a activity in Trainers Club Indonesia.I is got stuck [by] when again read the first paragraph [of] his article. A CEO a company distinguised the world that day come to his precise luxury office at 7 morning.The owner of company enter its workroom a few moment later. After have platitude [to] a few, [he/she] say ;" My Friend," he/she said. " Proud me with your [job/activity] result during this,"continue him.The CEO happy to of course hear his boss praise that."But,"continue him the boss.This, liver CEO that start to be lighted upon the question mark big. “Stakeholders we wish to replace the you with better someone...." At the time, bright morning turn into pitch dark at the same time is once in a while gleamed by theX light of the thunderbolt girder and thunder sound make the vibrant [soul/ head].The CEO only can dumb-found.Will unconvinced [at] what do is just heard by theX it in that morning.

If/When we keep abreast of the business world international and national recently, conversation to the seems not merely simply mere fantasy.Start from staff under [so/till] above seems [is] not simply rekaan eye. Start from staff under [so/till] level board of directors even if don't get out of the wanted of three the horrible letter.Don'T only happened in small company, even big company [is] calibre international, with world reputation, which have stood so much years...’go broke’ leave so much his employeeses which ‘DOW’.

Article to the not to panic the situation, or make the negative idea issue or add the burden feel the pessimist we see our work future in this beloved company. Exactly on the contrary, this article invite all of us to see each;every viewpoint which are positive and show off to find the best solution gap to face and anticipate all situation thats there will be. This article even also wish again refresh our paradigm that don't only the company require and claim our x'self to work in an optimal fashion but also on the contrary we even also require this company [so that/ to be] fixed flag in all economic situations and storey;level emulation of tight business so that we wittingly person require to always cope to work in an optimal fashion also.

Awareness of person to work in an optimal fashion show the existence of awareness the importance of behaving professional to any [of] work, our [position/occupation] or position. The people behaving the professional will act productively, consider effective and efficiency from each;every his [job/activity] activity, and also always improve the x'self quality and his performance. The people professional will always cope to create the best result and that thing is done [by] not solely company demand but moreover they look into to yield the best performance is their importance [of] person. Why that way ? Because they trust " price" people professional is costly. Company will " careful" freez out the people professional in his area.Even so situation oblige he ‘DOW’, the people professional will have trust of x'self that with other experience and interest which require it or even he will have confidence to develop;build empire of his business [by] xself.

So righteous friends, always allert && " stand by" likely will be hit ‘DOW’ tomorrow morning hopefully will make us always realize importantly [of] him behave professional to the any [of] work, position, and our [position/occupation] so that thereby hopefully our company remain to be our farm rice field is fertile and give the production for our family...(Writer by J.moco)

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